Banúlacht is currently recruiting for the position of Project Worker
Published: Thursday, May 19, 2011

Banúlacht is currently recruiting for the position of Project Worker.
Summary of position: Supporting the implementation of Banúlacht's Strategic Plan and work programme by:
(a) working with women's networks and women's community organisations in Ireland to facilitate the integration of a global dimension into their work programmes and policies;
(b) supporting Banúlacht's policy work; and
(c) liaising with and developing collaboration between Banúlacht's members and Tanzanian partners.
Minimum experience and qualifications
- A minimum of three years employment, specifically working on women's human rights issues in community and/or development organisations or related fields.
- Third level degree or equivalent professional qualification in a relevant discipline
- Extensive facilitation and training/development education skills
Personal attributes
- A commitment to the goals, values and principles expressed in Banúlacht's Strategic Plan and Feminist Principles (see website).
Click here to read full job description.
Click here to download application form.
Banúlacht's Feminist Principles document and Strategic Plan can be downloaded from our website
How to apply
Application forms only will be accepted : please do not send CVs or covering letters. The completed application form should be sent to Banúlacht's office (20 Lower Dominick St., Dublin 1) or emailed to Closing date for applications is 5.00 p.m. on Thursday 2nd June. Interviews will be held on Monday 13th June: applications from candidates who are not available on this date cannot be considered. NB. Start date is Monday 5th September.